On Sunday, Farah Khan posted a picture of her holding a helmet beside a bike in swag from the sets of Khatron Ke Khiladi Made In India, which she will be hosting and entertain us with her witty humour. Though the choreographer-filmmaker revealed that it was not her comfort as she told Mumbai Mirror, "The channel warned me I couldn't feel sorry for the contestants, most of whom I know from before, and tell them they could abort the task whenever they were in pain. But the fact is that I'm the first host on the show who
was actually scared." She revealed some of the stunts made her worry and said, "For instance, when a car goes underwater, it can be really scary. And it would take a lot of money to make me get anywhere near creepy crawlies."
Farah, who will be stepping in the shoes of Rohit Shetty, never thought of doing something like this as she asserts, "But as the only woman director who's had a lot of action in
her films and a reality show junkie, I was on board in a flash when Rohit asked me to." She added, "Unlike Rohit, who can perform the stunts he gives the contestants, I was a funny host who kept spirits high."
She expressed her happiness of coming on sets after long time and said, "The joy of being on a set is that you meet people and hug them, but here I was spraying everyone's hands with sanitisers like it was puja ka prasad and screaming at them to wear masks. Even the food that I took along had to be sent to individual vanity vans." She further added, "I've never seen so many people out on the streets; it's like a party out there. If people who don't need to venture out, stay home, people who have to work can step out. I was adamant about not stepping out for any reason apart from work."
Celebs like Rithvik Dhanjani, Harsh Limbachiyaa, Rashami Desai, Nia Sharma, Jasmine Bhasin, Aly Goni, Jay Bhanushali and Karan Wahi will participate in this special edition of the show
July 28, 2020 at 09:39AM
Source: https://ift.tt/2U8eVeQ