Shehnaaz Gill is facing massive backlash after the actress extended her support to Filmmaker, comedian and actor Sajid Khan who has entered Salman Khan's reality show Bigg Boss 16 as a contestant. Sajid is known for his movies Housefull and Housefull 2 and also for his roles in Jhooth Bole Kauwa Kaate, Main Hoon Na and Mujhse Shaadi Karogi. Shehnaaz Gill sent a video message for him saying that he should have a lot of fun and not fight. Sajid said Shehnaaz is like a younger sister to him. For the unversed, Sajid was accused of sexual misconduct by several women in 2018’s #MeToo movement. Seeing Shehnaaz show her support to the filmmaker, netizens got furious and started trolling the actress on social media.
from IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed