Brahmastra song Kesariya OUT: The much-awaited song from Ayan Mukerji's directorial upcoming film is finally out. Starring Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt, the first glimpse of the love song 'Kesariya' was shared before the wedding of the couple in April 2022. Ever since, it has caught the attention of fans who made use of the same in every possible way-- be it reels, videos, background music or whatnot. And now, the same has finally been released by the makers on Sunday. The romantic track composed by Pritam and sung by Arijit Singh was shared by the actress on her Instagram handle. Prior to the release, she even went live on her official account along with the director and answered several questions of the fans. Meanwhile, alongside the song post, Alia wrote in the caption, "Our sound of love, is now yours Kesariya out now!"
from IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed