Telugu superstar Allu Arjun's latest film 'Pushpa The Rise' continues to woo the audience since its release on December 17. Allu and Rashmika Mandanna starrer, which released in five languages, has been running successfully not just in the south, which is the home market for Allu Arjun, but also in north India. According to Box Office, "Pushpa (Hindi) is maintaining very well and looks like collecting more than day one on Tuesday also with collections of 3.50 crore nett plus. This will take the film to around 19.50 crore nett and a 25-26 crore nett first week looks on the card. The film is now beating the collections of Spiderman No Way Home in Gujarat, CP Berar, Bihar and Odisha. Maharashtra is also ahead outside Mumbai and Pune."
from IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed