For fans who were eagerly waiting for an updates related to SS Rajamouli's upcoming magnum opus 'RRR,' here it is! The makers have finally shared a little glimpse of what the much-awaited action drama will bring along. Starring an ensemble cast including names of biggies like Alia Bhatt, Jr. NTR, Ram Charan and Ajay Devgn, the film is all set for a theatrical release on January 7, 2022 world over. The 40 seconds teaser of the movie was shared by the official Twitter handle of RRR at 11 am on November 1 with a caption that read, "The era of #RRRMovie has just begun! Presenting the much anticipated #RRRGlimpse...Let's together bring back the glory of Indian cinema. In cinemas from 7th Jan 2022."
from IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed