Akshay Kumar and Katrina Kaif graced the Friday special episode of Kaun Banega Crorepati 13 and entertained the fans. In the episode, Rohit Shetty requested host Amitabh Bachchan to dance with Katrina on ‘Tip Tip Barsa Paani’ from Sooryavanshi and looking at these two, Akshay couldn’t stop smiling and Big B’s reaction to the same was really cute. Scroll below to watch the promo.
The original song was filmed on Raveena Tandon and Akshay back in 1994 in the film, Mohra and has is an evergreen hit track.
Back in 2019, Akshay Kumar revealed that ‘Tip Tip Barsa Paani’ was getting recreated for Sooryavanshi. Now, Sony TV shared a new promo where Rohit Shetty requests the KBC 13 host Amitabh Bachchan to dance with Katrina on the same song and Akshay couldn’t stop smiling looking at these two cuties.
In the video, KBC 13 host Amitabh Bachchan can be seen visibly nervous whereas Katrina Kaif is super confident. The beauty dances first and teaches him how to do the hook step.
When Amitabh and Katrina performed the dance together, the host looked puzzled and said to Rohit Shetty, “Phasa diya, Sir (You’ve put me in a spot).”
The Don actor tried really hard to remember the dance steps and match up to Katrina’s level but finally gave up and everyone burst into laughter including Akshay Kumar.
Take a look at the promo here:
Aren’t these two really adorable? We would love to see Amitabh Bachchan and Katrina Kaif collaborating for a movie together soon.
Meanwhile, Akshay Kumar starrer Sooryavanshi has had the biggest opening post-pandemic and the film has gotten great reviews.
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November 06, 2021 at 11:07AM