Indian Idol 12 has truly given a platform to all the contestants. Arunita Kanjilal is already a part of Dharma team while Shanmukhapriya and others are flooded with offers too. But it is winner Pawandeep Rajan who has been flooded with gifts from his co-contestants including rumoured girlfriend Arunita Kanjilal. Below are all the details you need!
If you’ve seen the show, one would very well know that Indian Idol 12 contestants enjoyed a well-knit bond. They were always there for each other and defended each other against trolls on social media too. Pawandeep was loved by each and everyone in the team.
As per a report by Bollywood Life, Pawandeep Rajan is flooded with gifts for his big win by the Indian Idol 12 co-contestants. Arunita Kanjilal, his closest friend has reportedly gifted him an Audi Q7. One needs to know that this beast is priced starting at 69 lakhs, and that’s a huge sum to invest into for a ‘friend.’ Yea?
It was previously revealed that Pawandeep Rajan and Arunita Kanjilal had bought a property in the same apartment.
Meanwhile, Sayli Kamble has gifted the Indian Idol 12 winner a gold chain worth 72,000. Mohd Danish had gifted him a guitar worth 14 lakhs.
Shanmukhapriya made a huge splurge too as she gifted Pawandeep a Manish Malhotra suit worth 1.3 lakhs. Anjali Gaikwad too gifted him a platinum bracelet worth 4 lakhs. Others including Sireesha, Anushka Banerjee, Nihal Tauro, Ashish Kulkarni amongst others sent him presents too.
Meanwhile, Arunita Kanjilal had recently opened up on romance rumours with Pawandeep Rajan. She told the Indian Express, “Honestly, we are very close friends. And I share the same equation with my other co-contestants too. It’s a show, and a lot of things are done just for fun. I think people shouldn’t take everything seriously.”
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August 24, 2021 at 11:25AM