Bollywood actress Kangana Ranaut never minces her words. She’s always out there, speaking her heart out irrespective of others’ opinions. The actress made her Bollywood debut with Gangster, which recently completed 15 years. The beauty is now calling out filmmakers of her time who just cared about the complexion.
As most know, Kangana has had her fair share of struggles. She was mocked a lot for her accent. The Thalaivi actress even openly calls out Karan Johar and the ‘nepo gang’ who according to her, got it all so easily! But as for her, her ‘fair complexion’ turned a barrier in a way too!
Kangana Ranaut in a conversation with Times Of India revealed, “I tried to make my own place and that was a big struggle. If I had to settle for what they were giving me, I don’t think I would have come this far. For them, beauty was being fair. I was fair enough and I could have made a place for myself for 3-4 years, which anybody with a fair complexion can. So, that was all that they wanted. They were willing to give me that shelf life in return for the fair complexion.”
But she stood like a lone wolf, taking the right path! Kangana Ranaut continued, “But I was not okay with that. My fair complexion is the least of my favourite things. There is so much more to me as an individual and I was appalled to see that they didn’t care about that. They had nothing to do with that. Now they must be surprised to see what kind of a person I turned out to be.”
Just not that, during the conversation, Kangana Ranaut also opened up about rejecting Vidya Balan starrer The Dirty Picture.
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May 03, 2021 at 10:21AM