Varun Dhawan and Natasha Dalal’s wedding was an extravagant affair for both their respective families. The two lovebirds tied the knot in Alibaug on January 24, 2020, in the presence of close friends and family with a lot of security, keeping in mind, the media and Covid factor. Cousin Kunal Kohli is spilling the beans on the actor’s wedding. Read to know the scoop below.
Varun and Natasha are childhood friends and have been dating for years before tying the knot. Their wedding was the talk of the town and their wedding pictures went crazy viral on the internet.
Talking to Hindustan Times, Kunal Kohli revealed that the privacy was top-notch at Varun Dhawan and Natasha Dalal’s wedding. The director said, “Varun’s my cousin. Some people know it, some don’t. His mother and my mother are real sisters. I call her ‘Laali maasi’, he calls me ‘Kunnu bhaiyya’. We are both family. The whole idea was to just keep it to the close family and very, very close friends. There were four-five friends of his, whom everyone knows from school. We were sharing stories. It was very nice, a close-knit environment of friends like family and family-like friends. That was what was wonderful about it.”
While respecting the wedding decorum set by the couple, Kunal Kohli didn’t reveal anything major but was appreciating the Varun Dhawan & Natasha Dalal’s friends. He said, “We came away becoming closer, discovering his friends and them discovering us. I always say, ‘You can’t choose your family but you can choose your friends,’ and I am glad he has chosen his friends well. Likewise for Natasha. Both of them have a wonderful set of friends. It was just like one big family and we were all happy to be together in the privacy of everything.”
Kunal also appreciated efforts by the media by not interfering in the privacy of the family and said, “It was very nice of the media to even give us that privacy. I would step out in the morning with my daughter for a walk or something and the media would be there. We used to just chat happily and move on. Everyone respected each other’s privacy.”
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February 04, 2021 at 11:21AM