Actress Rakul Preet Singh on Tuesday (December 29) took to social media and announced that she has tested negative for Covid-19. Along with this exciting new, she added that she excited to start 2021 with good health and positivity.
Sharing the note on her Twitter handle, she tweeted, “Thankyou for all the love” She also added a red heart to the tweet.
Rakul Preet Singh‘s social media statement read, “Happy to share that I have tested negative for COVID-19. I am feeling absolutely fine. Thank you for all your wishes and love. Can’t wait to start 2021 with good health and positivity. PS: let’s be responsible, wear masks and take all precautions.”
Thankyou for all the love
— Rakul Singh (@Rakulpreet) December 29, 2020
On December 22, Rakul Preet Singh shared that she has tested positive for Covid-19. She took social media writing, “I’d like to inform everyone that I have tested positive for Covid-19. I have quarantined myself. I am feeling fine and will rest up well so that I can be back at shoot soon. Request everyone who met me kindly get yourself tested. Thank you and please stay safe.”
The actress had just begun shooting for the thriller drama, ‘Mayday’ alongside Amitabh Bachchan and Ajay Devgn. The film is directed and produced by Devgn and sees the actress in the role of a pilot. This is her second film with Ajay after “De De Pyaar De”.
Last week Rakul Preet Singh made headline for amassing over 16 million followers on Instagram. Sharing that happy news, the actress wrote, “And we turn SWEET 16 !! cannot thank you all enough for all the love and support… here is to making sure I give my best every day to never disappoint you. Promise to keep working hard . Lots and lots of love to each one of you. stay safe.” (Inputs from IANS)
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December 30, 2020 at 11:21AM