Indian Idol 2020 finally premiered last weekend. Fans were elated to witness Aditya Narayan and Neha Kakkar back on sets after their respective marriages. Now, love will spread on sets as Rohanpreet Singh, Bharti Singh and Haarsh Limbachiyaa will be gracing the upcoming episode. Read on for details.
As fans know, Neha got married to Rohanpreet last month in Delhi. A lot of stars including Maniesh Paul, Urvashi Rautela, Urvashi Dholakia, Tony Kakkar amongst others were a part of the celebrations. The couple has now made their first official appearance after marriage on Indian Idol sets.
Without revealing much, Sony TV has shared glimpses of Neha Kakkar and Rohanpreet Singh from Indian Idol 2020 sets. The couple could be seen sitting on customized wedding chairs with ‘Neha Rohanpreet’ written in the backdrop.
Neha Kakkar and Rohanpreet Singh wore complimenting attires. The Nehu Da Vyah singer donned a black saree with an olive green blouse. Silver earrings and the traditional bangles completed her look. Rohanpreet, on the other hand, wore a turtleneck black sweater within an olive green coat. The couple looked all loved up in the Shaadi Special episode.
Meanwhile, Indian Idol 2020 will also witness Bharti Singh and Haarsh Limbachiyaa give their own fun-loving twist to the episode. In the pictures, the couple could be seen in matching attires too. The comedian wore a black dress with sequined detailing across the upper half. Haarsh wore a red velvet kurta and paired it up with a black jacket.
Well, it seems that this weekend is going to be a lot of fun, apart from the usual melodious tracks! We certainly can’t wait, what about y’all? We wish Aditya Narayan’s wife Shweta Agarwal could have been part of the show too. But that remains unknown till now!
Stay tuned to Koimoi for more such telly updates.
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December 29, 2020 at 11:17AM