Breaking Bad is one of the most loved shows in the history of TV series. Created by Vince Gilligan, the cult show features the story of Walter White played by Bryan Cranston, a disgruntled high school chemistry teacher who turns to a life of crime after being diagnosed with stage-three lung cancer. In a recent conversation, Cranston opened up on his views on making Breaking Bad a movie. Read the article to know what he said.
Cranston is in buzz again with his new show, Your Honor, which premiered earlier in December. The show has drawn comparisons with Breaking Bad as it also features the actor committing bad actions for his family.
Bryan Cranston feels that making a movie on Breaking Bad isn’t a great idea. The actor said in an interview with Vanity Fair, “The story should always dictate the medium, not the other way around. If you have something that’s very literal, that is thought-provoking, and uses jargon and nomenclature extremely well, then perhaps it’s a play. When you look at things like Breaking Bad—Breaking Bad would have made a terrible movie. Why? Well, because you would have to truncate all the development that Walter White needed to make this turn from a good person to a bad person.”
Bryan Cranston adds, “You would miss so many nuances and detail that I think it would be not only not as entertaining or rewarding, but I think it would have had a negative impact on the story. It’s asking too much to tell that story in two hours.”
Well, do you agree with Bryan Cranston? Do let us know via comments and stay tuned to Koimoi for the latest updates on your favourite shows and celebrities.
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December 29, 2020 at 11:30AM