Sana Khan sent shockwaves all across when she announced her marriage yesterday. Pictures and videos of the intimate wedding ceremony with Mufti Anas Sayed had been going viral since Saturday. However, many refused to believe that the former actress had really tied the knot. Until of course, she confirmed it herself. Here’s what actress Gautami Kapoor has to say about it all.
Last year had been a tough one for the Bigg Boss 6 contestant. Initially, her bitter breakup with choreographer Melvin Louis was all over the headlines. But what grabbed eyeballs further was her public breakdown. If one remembers, Sana was a part of Special Ops. Amid the dwindling career, the actress at the trailer launch broke down as she thanked Neeraj Pandey for giving her the huge opportunity.
It was during that moment when co-star Gautami Kapoor came to her rescue. The latter actress is now opening up about Sana Khan’s state of mind during the tough phase. In a conversation with Times Of India, Gautami shared, “I think Sana was very overwhelmed by the presence of the entire media, I think she was going through some personal trials during the same period. She broke down, it was a complete meltdown as she was talking. It was natural, as I think she was undergoing an emotional upheaval around the same time.”
Gautami Kapoor also shared her best wishes for Sana Khan and expressed her happiness over the former actress’ marriage. “I am happy that Sana has found someone to settle with. I am feeling very glad for her,” she added.
Well, all’s well that ends well and we hope Sana has found her solace.
News broke out when videos of Sana Khan in a white bridal attire went viral across social media. The former Bigg Boss contestant could be seen walking hand-in-hand with husband Mufti Anas Sayed. They were even seen celebrating as they cut a cake in presence of close family members.
Sana has now changed her name to Sayied Sana Khan.
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November 23, 2020 at 09:55AM