Kangana Ranaut created a stir yet again yesterday. The actress reacted to Shiv Sena MP Sanjay Raut’s tweet on her and claimed she was being threatened. If that wasn’t enough, the Manikarnika actress said Mumbai feels like Pakistan Occupied Kashmir now. As expected, this hasn’t gone well with most Twitterati. And that includes actors like Swara Bhasker, Renuka Sahane and Sonu Sood.
For the unversed, Kangana yesterday blocked a lot of celebrities and media portals on Twitter. According to her, those users were either bully/ trolls and she’s only up for ‘constructive criticism.’ In another reaction tweet to Sanjay Raut, she wrote, “Sanjay Raut Shiv Sena leader has given me an open threat and asked me not to come back to Mumbai after Aazadi graffitis in Mumbai streets and now open threats, why Mumbai is feeling like Pakistan occupied Kashmir?”
Hum Aapke Hai Koun…! fame Renuka Sahane slammed the actress for her tweet. She reacted, “Dear @KanganaTeam I am all for criticizing Govts. But “why Mumbai is feeling like POK” seems to me like a direct comparison between Mumbai & POK. Your comparison was really in bad taste. As a Mumbaikar I did not like it! Maybe it was naive of me to expect any better from you. “
It’s very sad to hear about the tragedy paji .. my condolences to the family. dear sir @DGPPunjabPolice pls look into it n punish the culprits. https://t.co/LzAGIv9COK
— Kapil Sharma (@KapilSharmaK9) September 1, 2020
To this, Kangana Ranaut replied, “Dear @renukash ji when did criticising the poor administration of a government became equal to the place being administered , I don’t believe you are that naive, were you also waiting like a blood thirsty vulture to pounce and get a piece of my meat ? Expected better from you”
Sonu Sood too indirectly took a dig. “मुंबई .. यह शहर तक़दीरें बदलता है। सलाम करोगे तो सलामी मिलेगी।;” read his tweet.
मुंबई .. यह शहर तक़दीरें बदलता है।
सलाम करोगे तो सलामी मिलेगी।
— sonu sood (@SonuSood) September 3, 2020
Swara Bhasker tweeted, “As an outsider, an independent working woman & resident of #Mumbai for the past decade. Just want to say that Bombay is one of easiest & safest cities to live & work in. Thank you @MumbaiPolice @CPMumbaiPolice for your relentless efforts & service to keep #AamchiMumbai safe”
As an outsider, an independent working woman & resident of #Mumbai for the past decade. Just want to say that Bombay is one of easiest & safest cities to live & work in. Thank you @MumbaiPolice @CPMumbaiPolice for your relentless efforts & service to keep #AamchiMumbai safe.
— Swara Bhasker (@ReallySwara) September 3, 2020
Riteish Deshmukh too shared, “मुंबई हिंदुस्तान है।”
मुंबई हिंदुस्तान है।
— Riteish Deshmukh (@Riteishd) September 3, 2020
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The post From Renuka Sahane To Swara Bhasker – Celebs React To Kangana Ranaut’s Insensitive POK Tweet appeared first on Koimoi.
September 04, 2020 at 09:03AM