Actor Saif Ali Khan, who has carved his niche in Bollywood is celebrating his 50th birthday today. From making people laugh with his commendable comic timing to leaving them awe-stuck with his killer looks, the actor definitely knows how to impress anyone. Born to late cricketer and the Nawab of Pataudi Mansoor Ali Khan and beautiful actress Sharmila Tagore, Saif has definitely given some stellar performances in various movies after his debut in the year 1993. On the personal front, he has three kids--daughter Sara and son Ibrahim from his first wife Amrita Singh and son Taimur with his Kareena Kapoor Khan. The duo is now expecting their second baby. Popularly called 'Chote Nawab,' Saif has worked in a wide variety of notable films, some of which are counted as good commercial cinema. On his special day today, let's have a look at 7 films that are a must-watch.
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