Sushant Singh Rajput left us on June 14 this year. The actor died by suicide at his Bandra residence in Mumbai. His death has created a void that can never be filled. Several celebrities came forward to share their good times with the actor. Mukesh Bhatt, however, left many disappointed with his take. The filmmaker said he wasn’t shocked and saw Sushant going the Praveen Babi way.
It was days after Sushant died, Mukesh revealed some unknown details. He shared that he met the Dil Bechara actor for Sadak 2. Alia Bhatt and Mahesh Bhatt had told him that Rajput was keen on being a part of the project. That is when they met and Bhatt felt something was wrong.
In a conversation with Times Now, Mukesh Bhatt had said, “I started my career way back with Parveen Babi, she was also a victim of schizophrenia. I remember telling my brother, that I am afraid he (Sushant Singh Rajput) is also going the Parveen Babi way. I am not shocked, because I saw this coming.”
Now, actress Koena Mitra has responded to the filmmaker’s statement. Not only has it left her disappointed, but the former Bigg Boss contestant also says it is the ugliest comparison she has heard.
In a conversation with TOI, Koena said, “I want to know why there is no inquiry about Mukesh Bhatt, I don’t know why police did not question him. I mean how do you know that Sushant was into depression and if you knew why didn’t you help him? That was such a gross statement where you are calling Sushant Singh Rajput the next Parveen Babi. And the other thing is whenever there is something horrible in the country whether it is 26/11 or a suicide sensitive case like this they are always there. A lot of us are just waiting why they are not getting questioned and when they will be.”
Koena Mitra even supported Kangana Ranaut in her fight against Bollywood. She said, “I agree with Kangana. There’s too much goondagiri in our and every industry. There is definitely groupism, favouritism. If you talk about something or try to be vocal, they shut you down.”
Do you agree with Koena Mitra? Share your views in the comments section below.
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July 27, 2020 at 09:57AM