Yesterday, we saw the grand finale of Rohit Shetty's stunt reality show Khatron Ke Khiladi season 10, where Karishma Tanna defeated Karan Patel and Dharmesh Yelande to bag the winner's trophy. Talking about her win, the popular actress told Mumbai Mirror, "I have been in the film industry for a while now and the closest I ever came to winning is being adjudged first runners-up. Maybe God wanted me to win the 'real' reality show." Talking about the celebration, she added, "Since I couldn't call my friends to celebrate, my neighbours brought me cake and some amazing food."
All the episodes except the was shot before the lockdown. When asked whether there was any pressure in that period, to which she replied, "More than me, my mother was desperately waiting for the result, praying every day that I win. She was the one who pushed me, else I wouldn't have done the show." Speaking on stunts, Karishma said, "When I thought some task was doable, I failed at that. Everyone had their good days, but overall Dharmesh, Tejasswi (Prakash) and to some extent Karan, were very consistent."
Speaking about the host and blockbuster director Rohit Shetty, the actress said, "He had decided that he would help me conquer all of my fears and by the end of the season, he succeeded. Now, I am no longer scared of snakes." In the last week, Ekta Kapoor dropped a major hint of Karishma Tanna winning the show, where the TV Czarina shared a congratulatory post and wrote, "This is a congratulations to Karishma from us". To which Karishma reposted the video on her profile and replied, "Thank U baby @ek_ek_ekoo Love u?".
July 27, 2020 at 08:43AM