Ever since Kriti Sanon's Bollywood debut opposite Tiger Shroff in Heropanti, there has been no looking back for her. Having impressed a whole lot of fans with not just her beauty but also her charming personality and powerful acting, Kriti has to date bagged some really good projects. She has time and again proved that she is in Bollywood to stay. The pretty looking actress is celebrating her 30th birthday today but there will certainly be no celebrations because of the pandemic and other major reason being her 'Raabta' co-star Sushant Singh Rajput's tragic demise. Coming back to the birthday girl, she clearly knows how to woo people with her simplicity. She is a fantastic dancer and has delivered some popular foot-tapping numbers. Not just this, her beauty also is discussed a lot as people usually talk about how effortless she looks every time she steps out. So, on her 30th birthday here are some wonderful pictures from her Instagram profile that will certainly help the fashion lovers.
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